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Buy the full KESHIKI set for only £35. Eight highly collectible chapbooks showcasing the work of eight of the most exciting writers working in Japan.


Mikumari by Misumi Kubo

A schoolboy is in his senior year when he attends Comiket, a comic market in Tokyo. There, he meets a married woman ten years his senior, a cosplayer who goes by the name of Anzu. Drawn to his resemblance to a character from an anime series, he and Anzu begin an intense affair. Over time, he becomes increasingly wary of his relationship with Anzu, but, at the same time, he finds himself unable to leave her...


Transparent Labyrinth by Keiichiro Hirano

Okada is on a business trip to Budapest when he meets enigmatic Misa and her Italian girlfriend, Federica. Inexplicably drawn to Misa, he agrees to accompany the couple to a lavish party in Pest. On arrival, Federica ominously disappears, and Misa and Okada find themselves locked in a penthouse room with ten other guests. They are promised that they will be freed at dawn, providing that they follow the commands given to them by five spectators… 

Time Differences by Yoko Tawada

Mamoru wakes up at 9am in Berlin, eats breakfast, and then sets off to teach a Japanese language class, carrying a sashimi knife in his bag. At this moment in New York, Manfred lurches from a dream where a fisherman was about to gut him he wakes just in time to make his morning work-out. Meanwhile, Michael is preparing to go to the late-night gym in Tokyo, thinking of a man he met in Berlin only weeks before... Tawada's story follows the three men Mamoru, Manfred and Michael as they move through their lives on different sides of the globe.


Spring Sleepers by Kyoko Yoshida

Yuki has not slept in two months. He's been infected with genuine insomnia -- a condition that is spreading throughout the city's high-profile businessmen. At first, this is a condition worth boasting about: the less Yuki sleeps, the better he feels, and he gathers with the city's elite in clubs and bars to compare how long they've been awake. It is only when he visits a sanatorium that Yuki is told his memory is quickly deteriorating, and, suddenly, Yoshida's fragmented style starts to make sense... 


The Girl Who Is Getting Married by Aoko Matsuda

An unnamed narrator visits her friend, the girl who is getting married, in her apartment on the fifth floor of an anonymous building. With each flight of steps, the narrator recalls different memories of the time they have spent together their time in high school, their first jobs, a chance encounter on the train. However, just as the building's corridor twists and turn toward the flat, we realise that the story, too, is shifting under our feet. As details go missing and memories are contradicted, we are left wondering whose eyes we re looking through.


Mariko / Mariquita by Natsuki Ikezawa

Kyojiro is a cultural anthropologist, days away from making the trip of his career when he meets Mariko, a free-spirited Japanese woman living on Guam, a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. Mariko is everything Kyojiro isn't adaptable, whimsical, and ready to make life-changing decisions with the changing tides. It is during their brief time together that Kyojiro is able to watch the woman he loves metamorphosize from Mariko into Mariquita, shedding her Japanese identity and becoming a woman who belongs to Guam.


At the Edge of the Wood by Masatsugu Ono

When his wife returns to her parents house to have their second child, an unnamed narrator and his son are left to manage by themselves. Instead of absence, what the father and son begin to notice is a strange noise opening up between them, reverberating through their home, their television set, and the books they read at night. The wood outside their home hums with it, too: leaves fall from branches which are already naked, trees wriggle when walked past, and the hills on the horizon rise and fall in a building rhythm. 


Friendship for Grown-Ups by Nao-Cola Yamazaki

Contains three stories in one: The Untouchable Apartment: Kandagawa's relationship with Mano ended over four years ago, which is why she s surprised when he calls her, drunk, to tell her that their old apartment has been knocked down; Lose Your Private Life: Waterumi Yano is a successful young novelist, her books winning prestigious prizes and the hearts of readers all over the world. However, Waterumi is herself a fiction, a penname for the 28 year old Terumi Yano; A Genealogy: A fable-like retelling which broadly sketches the evolution of mankind and ends with Kandagawa, sitting in a bath in her apartment, remembering how, in the past, she used to be a fish.


  • 978-1911343004

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ⓒ 2016 UEA Publishing Project
Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities

University of East Anglia
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