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Translated by Jozef van der Voort


THESE SEVEN ENTHRALLING essays by one of Switzerland’s most promising German-language writers are vivid, open-ended pieces that tackle a diverse array of subjects. From Heidi and her grandfather, through missionary work in Papua New Guinea in the 1980s, to a lockdown kestrel webcam diary, the essays draw entertaining links between the author’s own biography, the condition of contemporary Switzerland, and the wider world, and provide, in effect, a satisfyingly contextualising afterword for the series as a whole.




Tabea Steiner was born in 1981 and studied history and German language and literature. She is the founder of the Thun Literature Festival, co-organiser of the Aprillen book festival in Bern, and a member of the jury for the Swiss Literature Awards. Her debut novel Balg was nominated for the 2019 Swiss Book Prize. In 2020 she was awarded a project grant by the Landis & Gyr Foundation. She was also the recipient in 2021 of the Zollikon art prize and is a member of the RAUF collective of women authors. She lives in Zurich.


Jozef van der Voort is a literary and academic translator working from German and Dutch into English, currently employed as an in-house translator at the German Historical Institute London. His previously published translations include the chapbook Something Has To Happen by Maartje Wortel for the Strangers Press VERZET series.

Provinces by Tabea Steiner

SKU: 9781913861490
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    ⓒ 2016 UEA Publishing Project
    Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities

    University of East Anglia
    Norwich NR4 7TJ

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