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Order the FULL SET for only £35 (Combined RRP £55.92).


These short stories address a number of important themes facing Dutch, and indeed European, society today; class, social mobility, multiculturalism, prejudice, loneliness, and urban sprawl, all in a prose style that is simultaneously atmospheric, topical, sympathetic, and frequently wonderfully descriptive. One story centres on the experiences of an immigrant from Cape Verde, while the second and third stories have white, middle-class Dutch as their main characters, then a short finale follows the thoughts of a homeless man as he traverses the city. These voices collectively capture a snapshot of our contemporary moment; each voice yearns, wonders, and worries at the world and their own place within it.


SANEKKE VAN HASSELL has published short stories, novels and essays, including her debut story collection IJsregen (2005) and her novel Witte veder (2007). In 2013, she was awarded the triennial Anna Blaman Prize for her entire oeuvre. Her story ‘Indian Time’ was included in the Penguin Book of Dutch Short Stories.


DANNY GUINAN is based in Amsterdam, has a BA in Communication Studies from Dublin University and runs his own translation company, wordforward. His projects include How Attention Works: Finding Your Way in a World Full of Distraction by Stefan van der Stigchel.

Shelter by Sanneke Van Hassel

SKU: 978-1-911343-33-2
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    ⓒ 2016 UEA Publishing Project
    Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities

    University of East Anglia
    Norwich NR4 7TJ

    [email protected]

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